
Latest Sustainability News


A food journey inspired by sustainability

Singita’s culinary offering is a core part of the guest experience, and its appeal extends well beyond beautiful menus.

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Choosing partners to meet our sustainability goals

As part of our latest sustainability intervention, a carbon offsetting programme, a levy is now included to offset the carbon footprint of each guest’s stay. Using this revenue, verified carbon credits will be purchased from accredited service providers in each region, whose projects either remove existing carbon from the atmosphere or prevent new emissions.

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Singita’s commitment to balancing the scales

Singita’s commitment to the conservation and preservation of wilderness areas across Africa and the life they support is informed by our 100-year purpose. Our new Carbon Offsetting initiative, launched 30 August 2021, is aligned to the various commitments we’ve made to conservation and will allow our guests as well as our business to mitigate the impact of emissions.

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Water – the lifeblood of the land

From the dramatic East African thunderstorms of the Serengeti – where large herds of game graze the savannahs – to the riverine thickets of Singita Sabi Sand in South Africa, which is renowned for its high concentrations of big game and frequent leopard sightings, water sustains all.

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Driving Clean Solar Energy in the Kruger National Park

Implementing a global framework for conservation can yield results for human development.

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